Excerpt from the First Catechism of the Creed of Ennio the Destroyer as written by Troy Reeds, Predicant of the Sons of the Field.
The First Article
Of the Destroyer
I believe in Ennio, The Vandal, almighty Destroyer of Cities, that she will deliver me body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my limbs, my reason, and all my senses unto carnage, and preserve them in glorious wreckage . She taketh me into blessed danger and destruction without any merit from myself, for all of which I have Her to thank. This is most certainly true.
How was She created?
She was created from the will of the free who desire liberation from the terrific constraints of the city, hereby and whenever that shall be known as The Sons of the Field. She was broken from the start, a weapon, nothing more, brought to bear on the rotten πóλις and to make it tremble with the just fear of her insatiable anger. This is most certainly true.
Why was She created?
She was created to find boundless joy in the beauty of destruction, in the razing of the city, its links and arteries, its officials, civil servants and police, in the burning of its surveillance systems, its cameras, the sightless eyes of the bureaucrats, its foul recording of our every movement and utterance, its rampant paranoia and inherent panic. We shall find our solace in the breaking of these shackles. This is most certainly true.
The Second Article
Of Destruction
I believe that the force of destruction in all its wanton glory is equal to and commensurate with its antonym creation in both value and beauty, morally and aesthetically, and as such should be held in correspondent regard with creation itself. It is neither negative or barbaric, nor is it correlative to the passive action of entropy. It is an act not of negation but of deduction. Culture and civilisation are inventions of both forces in equal supply. This is most certainly true.
What must we destroy?
We must destroy all which comes unto itself as orthodoxy in the eyes of society, all that is unquestioned as truth, all that is presented in and of itself as a moral imperative, all systems which have come to be the only system without opposition, all systems which have descended into the open maw of entropy, all edifices which are obsolete and the cause of nostalgia which we will never suffer, all structures representative of those degraded systems, all land used by these defiled organs. We shall destroy all these and this is most certainly true.
The Third Article
Of Sanctification.
I believe in destruction; one holy Church of Ennio, the communion of carnage; the dissolution of cities; the resurrection of the body; and havoc everlasting. Amen.
What does this mean?
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Ennio, Mistress of Uneven Tides, or come to Her; but that She has called to me by reason of The Creed of the Destroyer, enlightened me with Her gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith; even as She calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies and keeps us with Her in the one true faith; in which chaos She forgives daily and richly all sins to me and all believers, and at the last day will raise up me and all the dead, and will give to me and to all believers in Her everlasting life. This is most certainly true.